How to Manage Anger With Palmtherapy

How to Manage Anger With Palmtherapy

Palmtherapy is a holistic approach to medicine. It focuses on stimulating parts of your hand that are the energy pathways to certain characteristics of your personality. The creator, Moshe Zwang, says palmtherapy enhances your fulfillment and potential. By stimulating lines and areas of your palm, you can manage your anger, grief, anxiety or stress.


Learn about Palmtherapy on Moshe Zwang's website (see Resources below). He discusses his hypothesis and experiences practicing palmtherapy.


Consider attending a seminar about palmtherapy. Moshe Zwang travels the world, talking to practitioners and people who want to try it themselves. There's a schedule on his website.


Buy Moshe Zwang's book "Palm Therapy: Program Your Mind Through Your Palms--A Major Breakthrough in Palmistry." It's available at the Palmtherapy website.


Practice Palmtherapy anytime, anywhere. You should try to find a comfortable, quiet place for your first session. Follow the hand maps and tips about massaging that are included in Zwang's book.


Massage the key lines of the hand that correlate with your anger. Use your thumb to walk along the palm line. Apply steady pressure for up to 20 seconds. Breathe deeply and evenly.


Find a certified palm therapist to provide you with a more complete experience. Look for one who is a member of the International Palmtherapy Association. There is a list on Moshe Zwang's website.


Set up a session with the palm therapist. They typically last an hour. The palm therapist will examine your hands and stimulate the palm lines that help ease your anger.

Tips & Warnings

You can also pay to download a copy of Moshe Zwang's book online, if you prefer to read it on your computer.

Although palmtherapy alters your mood, it is not a substitute for psychiatric treatment or psychotherapy.

Be aware that many alternative forms of medicine have not been scientifically evaluated. Keep your doctor informed about your decision to pursue palmtherapy.

How to Make Your Own Massage Oil

How to Make Your Own Massage Oil

Homemade massage oil is generally of better quality and less expensive than commercially prepared oils. You can blend massage oils to meet your specific needs, and you'll know the ingredients are fresh. By following these steps to combine essential oils with vegetable and nut oils, you can craft a superior homemade massage oil.

Things You'll Need:

Natural vegetable and nut oils

Essential oils

Large glass or plastic container with a lid

Small plastic pump-spray or squeeze bottles


Medicine dropper


Visit a natural foods store to choose organic vegetable and nut oils, such as olive, sweet almond, jojoba, avocado and vitamin E. You will be mixing these in different proportions to make the base for your homemade massage oil, so select several kinds.


Choose essential oils (highly concentrated aromatic herbs and flower essences) to add to your base. Essential oils have medicinal benefits and add a dimension of aromatherapy to the massage. Arnica,
, and St. John's wort oils are among the most popular for massage oils, but you should experiment to find your favorites.


Mix your base oils together in a large glass or plastic container with a tight lid. Use more olive oil than any other type, as it makes a good neutral foundation. Add about one third as much sweet almond or avocado oil as olive oil. Use even smaller amounts of vitamin E and jojoba. These oils are more expensive and have medicinal benefits, and you don't need as much of them.


Cap the container tightly, and shake it to mix the oils together thoroughly.


Use a funnel to pour your base oil into smaller plastic squeeze or pump-spray bottles for application in massage. With a medicine dropper, add a few drops of scented essential oil to the base oil in the application bottles. Gently shake the smaller bottles to blend the oils.


Re-cap the large container of homemade massage oil, and store it in a cool, dark place. Do not refrigerate.

Tips & Warnings

Mix only as much oil as you think you will use in two months. Natural vegetable and nut oils are perishable and will spoil.

Base oils and essential oils have properties beneficial for certain conditions and ailments. Ask your health food store personnel for their expertise in this area, so you can tailor your homemade massage oil to various needs.

How to Make Voice Soothing Tea

How to Make Voice Soothing Tea

If your voice is getting tired or you want to soothe it or pamper it for any reason, this hot drink will do the trick.


Grate a small piece of ginger and put it in a mug.


Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the mug.


Add hot water.


Stir in a little honey.


For extra flavor you can also add a teabag, but only use decaffeinated tea since caffeine will dry out your vocal chords.

Tips & Warnings

Drink this tea at the end of a long day to soothe your voice.

Drink in the morning to prepare for your day.

Snacking on apples is also a good way to rejuvenate your voice.

How to Make the Home Safe for Non-Toxic Living

How to Make the Home Safe for Non-Toxic Living

The non-toxic lifestyle is a holistic approach to protecting one's body and mind from chemicals, artificial agents and potentially harmful products. Family members with allergies to mold and dander benefit from a combination of non-toxic products and proper cleaning. To make the home safe for non-toxic living, you'll need to change the way you think about
, purchasing and storage choices. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet capability

Checklist of daily and weekly cleaning chores

Clean Your House the Non-Toxic Way


Make a checklist of cleaning tasks and the products required to complete them. Compare your list of cleaning products with the Enviro$ense list of substitute cleaners. Make as many substitutions as you can (see Resources below).


Open the windows in your house while cleaning. Even in cooler temperatures, it's necessity to allow fresh air in to help rid the air of toxins released by traditional cleaners. Even if you make a switch to 100 percent natural cleaners, you still need to ventilate your home.


Eliminate clutter from your home. Old newspapers, magazines and half-filled boxes can quickly accumulate unwanted dust and allergens. Recycle these materials. When appropriate, donate them to charity.


Invest in air filtration systems for highly-trafficked areas. A child's room, the living room and the kitchen are good candidates. Inexpensive HEPA air filters can be found at your local hardware store.


Maintain a top-down approach when cleaning your entire house. Dusting and wiping down ceilings, crown molding and the tops of furniture will allow air filters and vacuums to pick up particles on the ground.


Replace vacuum bags regularly if using a traditional cleaner. Vacuum bags should be removed when they are 1/2 to 3/4 full--not when they're completely full. Check to make sure the bag is securely connected to avoid the release of waste.

Tips & Warnings

Keep up with the chores and tasks needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Without constant attention, toxins and other detrimental materials can build up quickly in the home. For inspiration, read Annie Bond's "How to Make Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaning Kit" article on the Care2 Web site (see Resources below).

Understand that you'll need more money for your cleaning budget when you adopt the idea of non-toxic living. Non-toxic and organic household products are often several times more expensive than their name brand counterparts.

Wear protective gear and appropriate clothing for safe housekeeping. Rubber gloves, protective goggles and hats or hairnets should be worn.

Prevent allergic reactions and illness by using organic cleaners properly. Symptoms like difficulty swallowing and blurred eyesight should be treated immediately by a medical professional.

How to Walk in Flip Flops

How to Walk in Flip Flops

If you've never owned a pair of flip flops, walking in them for the first time can seem strange. They feel similar to sling-backs, but without the added security of the heel strap. You can learn to safely walk in flip flops with some careful practice, and soon you'll be able to wear them in almost any terrain.


Dry your feet and flip flops thoroughly before use. Wet feet are slippery and you can easily step down, slide and twist an ankle.


Examine the flip flops to ensure the toe thong is firmly rooted and not about to give way. Flip flops commonly come apart in this fashion, and a wrong step with a broken flip flop can cause a painful accident.


Place your feet inside the shoes with the thong between your first and second toes. Grip the bottom of the flip flops by curling your toes and step forward. It can feel strange at first, but after walking around for a while, you'll get accustomed to the feel.


Lift your feet cleanly off the ground with every step; do not drag or shuffle the flip flops as you walk across the floor. Not only does it wear out the bottoms of your flip flops, the sound is also annoying to others around you.


Make turns with each foot as it is in the air, not on the ground. Twisting the flip flop as it sits on the ground can cause the thong to loosen and tear out of place. This can ruin your sandals.


Practice easing the flip flops up as you step, rather than letting them snap back to your heel as you walk. The snapping method produces an irritating noise that people around you are unlikely to appreciate.

How to Walk Down a Catwalk in a Fashion Show

How to Walk Down a Catwalk in a Fashion Show

Many women want to look like models. With these easy instructions you'll be able to strut yourself like a model in no time!

Things You'll Need:

Comfortable shoes to walk in

Confidence to give this a try


Make yourself comfortable. If you are not used to walking in high heels than start small and work your way up to them. If the shoes you are using are brand new than scratch the bottom or put masking tape on the heels to prevent slipping.


Learn to stand. Practice good posture. Throw your shoulders back and push your pelvis forward. This will make you look as if you are leaning rather than hunching.


Practice putting the ball of your foot down first when making a stride. Almost as if you were walking on tip-toes. This may feel weird but it will make your strides look more graceful. Place one foot literally in front of the other. Pretend you are walking in a straight line. When doing this fast it gives your body that sexy swing.


Keep your head up. Focus on something in front of you and keep your head still while the rest of you is moving. When you turn your body your head should be the last thing to turn.


Develop your own signature move. This is easier said then done. But being able to let your personality show through will make you stand out more. Experiment with different moves, ways to move your arms and so forth. Use feedback to see what is good and what looks silly.

Tips & Warnings

Videotape yourself walking so you can see for yourself how you look, and you can change what you don't like.

Watch modeling show on t.v. for more advice.

If you should trip or fall while on the runway recover gracefully by smiling and laughing it off, no one is perfect.

How to Wake Up Late and Still Look Great

How to Wake Up Late and Still Look Great

You're driving to work when you notice you're wearing your slippers and bathrobe. As you start to panic, you wake up and realize you're still in bed. It was all a bad dream. Then you look at the clock and the nightmare begins. You overslept and don't know how you can get dressed for work on time. With some organization and planning, you can wake up late and still look great.


Condense your bathroom routine. Turn the shower on and use the toilet while waiting for the water to get hot. Put the toothpaste on your brush and get in the shower with it. Brush your teeth while wetting your hair. Skip any non-essential tasks in the bathroom, like shaving armpits or clipping toenails. This is the day to use the leave-in conditioner to cut down on rinse time.


Put on your emergency work outfit. You should have a special work outfit identified for days like this. It should be a conservative outfit that fits you well and goes with any situation. Your emergency outfit requires no stockings, no ironing, no matching, no special undergarments. You can wear a solid color t-shirt or polo shirt under it if you don't have a dress shirt clean and pressed. The outfit goes with black shoes.


Style your

in three minutes. With short hair, this is a breeze. Add a little extra product to hold it in place and drive with the windows open. Long hair can be pinned up in the ever-stylish classic, the bun. Make it nice and tight; no one will know if your hair is wet or just super shiny.


Skip the makeup routine. Makeup applied in haste will give you away. Instead, apply your moisturizer and then a light dusting of power to even out your skin tone and give you a healthy glow. Use a touch of eyeliner on your top lids only to open your eyes.


Pack a lunch. At this point you're in a whirlwind, not knowing what the rest of the day will hold. Open the freezer and take out one of those frozen meals you keep for days like this. There are all sorts of frozen entrees available at a local grocery. Always keep a couple in your freezer, just in case. Eating sensibly instead of resorting to the vending machine will help you maintain a healthy glow all day.


Eat breakfast in the car. Taking in some nutrition will improve your look and your temperament. This calls for a high-protein breakfast bar. Keep a box of these in the cabinet at all times. Choose one without chocolate coating, so there is no chance of staining your outfit while eating in the car.


Breath deeply. On your way to work, take deep breaths. While walking, inhale for five steps, hold for three steps, and exhale for five steps. In the car, take a deep breath and hold it until the traffic light turns green. Then, see how long you can continuously exhale. Deep breathing will increase your circulation, enhancing your skin tone. Tired people often have pale faces. The breathing will also reduce your gonna-be-late-for-work anxiety and possibly prevent road rage.

Tips & Warnings

Skip the night creams and crazy hair treatments on weeknights. Don't do anything that will require extra preparation time in the morning. Save the glamour bit for weekends.

Always keep your keys, purse or wallet and cell phone in the same place near the door, so you can grab them quickly and go. This works for other types of emergencies, too.

Skip the liquid breakfast. You are in a hurry and will probably spill it in your lap.

No matter how you feel, a smile will improve your look.

Don't overdose on caffeine, it will only make you jittery and sweaty--not a good look for the office.

How to Visit Atlanta's Little Five Points Neighborhood

How to Visit Atlanta's Little Five Points Neighborhood

No trip to Atlanta would be complete without a stop in Little Five Points, the city's most eclectic, edgy and quirky entertainment district. Here you'll find boutiques, bars, restaurants, tattoo parlors, a spa and a food co-op. Though years ago the neighborhood (located primarily on Euclid and Moreland Avenues) had a reputation for being rough, it's now been encroached upon by yuppie homeowners who keep a close eye on its safety and general cleanliness.

Things You'll Need:

Map of Atlanta, to get you to the neighborhood

Comfortable walking shoes


Once you've driven into Little Five Points, parking can be a bit tricky. There are meters on the street, but they're typically full. Try for the pay lot near Outback Bikes. Or consider parking a little bit outside the district, where spots are more plentiful and free.


There's no need to have a car or public
once you're in Little Five Points. The neighborhood is entirely walkable. Landmarks include the Vortex restaurant (a burger joint with an enormous, gaping skull as its doorway), Junkman's Daughter (a sprawling warehouse full of costumes, gifts and other cool stuff), Sevananda (the food co-op), El Myr (a taco place) and Stefan's (a vintage clothing shop).


Vintage finds abound in this neighborhood. The patient shopper can find great deals on boots, hats and jackets from a bygone area. If older stuff isn't your style, there are plenty of boutiques that offer high-fashion, high-priced goods. There's even an American Apparel shop, which was only the second chain to make its way into Little Five, after the locally maligned Starbucks.


Grab a falafel wrap at Ali Baba's, or a fresh fruit smoothie at Arden's Garden. Trendy dresses regularly fill the racks at Cherry Bomb and the best indie music is always highlighted at Criminal Records.

Tips & Warnings

You likely will encounter some street people and panhandlers in the neighborhood. This is a fact of life in any of Atlanta's more urban districts.

How to Use Turquoise Energy

How to Use Turquoise Energy

Turquoise has been a sacred stone for hundreds of years all over the world. Turquoise is a stone of peace, serenity and tranquility. A stone of the heart chakra, it connects the three upper and three lower chakras. Turquoise is a traditional gift stone for friendship and is always more powerful when gifted than when purchased.


Turquoise is recommended by crystal healers for detoxification of alcohol or poisons. It makes a perfect talisman for a friend recovering from substance abuse.


Turquoise is also a healing amulet for anyone going through chemotherapy or radiation.


Turquoise is said to make lying impossible. It is a great companion stone for public speakers, as long as they are telling the truth.

Tips & Warnings

Turquoise combines well with Coral, Quartz, Abalone, Jet and Silver.

Try combining these minerals in bracelets or necklaces.

Combine pieces in a pouch and wear them, or just tuck them in your pocket.

If you experience anxiety or restlessness, or physical symptoms, like nausea, you may want to cut back your exposure.

If you are sensitive, try using only single stones, and not combinations.

Turquoise is one of the gentlest stones; few people experience any bad effects from using it.