How to Make Your Own Massage Oil

How to Make Your Own Massage Oil

Homemade massage oil is generally of better quality and less expensive than commercially prepared oils. You can blend massage oils to meet your specific needs, and you'll know the ingredients are fresh. By following these steps to combine essential oils with vegetable and nut oils, you can craft a superior homemade massage oil.

Things You'll Need:

Natural vegetable and nut oils

Essential oils

Large glass or plastic container with a lid

Small plastic pump-spray or squeeze bottles


Medicine dropper


Visit a natural foods store to choose organic vegetable and nut oils, such as olive, sweet almond, jojoba, avocado and vitamin E. You will be mixing these in different proportions to make the base for your homemade massage oil, so select several kinds.


Choose essential oils (highly concentrated aromatic herbs and flower essences) to add to your base. Essential oils have medicinal benefits and add a dimension of aromatherapy to the massage. Arnica,
, and St. John's wort oils are among the most popular for massage oils, but you should experiment to find your favorites.


Mix your base oils together in a large glass or plastic container with a tight lid. Use more olive oil than any other type, as it makes a good neutral foundation. Add about one third as much sweet almond or avocado oil as olive oil. Use even smaller amounts of vitamin E and jojoba. These oils are more expensive and have medicinal benefits, and you don't need as much of them.


Cap the container tightly, and shake it to mix the oils together thoroughly.


Use a funnel to pour your base oil into smaller plastic squeeze or pump-spray bottles for application in massage. With a medicine dropper, add a few drops of scented essential oil to the base oil in the application bottles. Gently shake the smaller bottles to blend the oils.


Re-cap the large container of homemade massage oil, and store it in a cool, dark place. Do not refrigerate.

Tips & Warnings

Mix only as much oil as you think you will use in two months. Natural vegetable and nut oils are perishable and will spoil.

Base oils and essential oils have properties beneficial for certain conditions and ailments. Ask your health food store personnel for their expertise in this area, so you can tailor your homemade massage oil to various needs.