How to Wake Up Late and Still Look Great

How to Wake Up Late and Still Look Great

You're driving to work when you notice you're wearing your slippers and bathrobe. As you start to panic, you wake up and realize you're still in bed. It was all a bad dream. Then you look at the clock and the nightmare begins. You overslept and don't know how you can get dressed for work on time. With some organization and planning, you can wake up late and still look great.


Condense your bathroom routine. Turn the shower on and use the toilet while waiting for the water to get hot. Put the toothpaste on your brush and get in the shower with it. Brush your teeth while wetting your hair. Skip any non-essential tasks in the bathroom, like shaving armpits or clipping toenails. This is the day to use the leave-in conditioner to cut down on rinse time.


Put on your emergency work outfit. You should have a special work outfit identified for days like this. It should be a conservative outfit that fits you well and goes with any situation. Your emergency outfit requires no stockings, no ironing, no matching, no special undergarments. You can wear a solid color t-shirt or polo shirt under it if you don't have a dress shirt clean and pressed. The outfit goes with black shoes.


Style your

in three minutes. With short hair, this is a breeze. Add a little extra product to hold it in place and drive with the windows open. Long hair can be pinned up in the ever-stylish classic, the bun. Make it nice and tight; no one will know if your hair is wet or just super shiny.


Skip the makeup routine. Makeup applied in haste will give you away. Instead, apply your moisturizer and then a light dusting of power to even out your skin tone and give you a healthy glow. Use a touch of eyeliner on your top lids only to open your eyes.


Pack a lunch. At this point you're in a whirlwind, not knowing what the rest of the day will hold. Open the freezer and take out one of those frozen meals you keep for days like this. There are all sorts of frozen entrees available at a local grocery. Always keep a couple in your freezer, just in case. Eating sensibly instead of resorting to the vending machine will help you maintain a healthy glow all day.


Eat breakfast in the car. Taking in some nutrition will improve your look and your temperament. This calls for a high-protein breakfast bar. Keep a box of these in the cabinet at all times. Choose one without chocolate coating, so there is no chance of staining your outfit while eating in the car.


Breath deeply. On your way to work, take deep breaths. While walking, inhale for five steps, hold for three steps, and exhale for five steps. In the car, take a deep breath and hold it until the traffic light turns green. Then, see how long you can continuously exhale. Deep breathing will increase your circulation, enhancing your skin tone. Tired people often have pale faces. The breathing will also reduce your gonna-be-late-for-work anxiety and possibly prevent road rage.

Tips & Warnings

Skip the night creams and crazy hair treatments on weeknights. Don't do anything that will require extra preparation time in the morning. Save the glamour bit for weekends.

Always keep your keys, purse or wallet and cell phone in the same place near the door, so you can grab them quickly and go. This works for other types of emergencies, too.

Skip the liquid breakfast. You are in a hurry and will probably spill it in your lap.

No matter how you feel, a smile will improve your look.

Don't overdose on caffeine, it will only make you jittery and sweaty--not a good look for the office.